Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere
It's one thing encompassing the learning, however it's another transferring it into practice back in the workplace. The majority of organisations resist change, if not actively, then simply by inertia; there is enormous pressure on individuals to maintain the status quo.

We believe that in order to enhance the probability of transfer a programme needs
- Powerful learning experiences which are highly memorable - key learning points are linked to these memories and hence the probability of them remaining in the forefront of people's minds is higher
- To meet your needs - Learning which is specifically focused on design to meet a clear need
- Support from others - Working with a group from the same company (rather than with individuals from different organisations) so that the individuals can support each other in transferring the learning and bringing about change
- Variety - Include a wide variety of tasks coupled with skilled facilitators in order to produce and distil learning at the level of process
- Active sessions - An active learning process which encourages participants to formulate, revise and practice their own models
- Stimulation - an experience which is exciting, stimulating and above all, fun
- A total process- being part of a total process means that the learning is reinforced and change is supported
The most successful learning experiences use a combination of fun and laughter, to intense debate and analysis, and then back again.
Our programmes are deliberately designed to help managers to do this.