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Are you Ready for Change? Article 50 is triggered

Friday, 31st March 2017

By, GBS Corporate Training

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This week Theresa May kicked off Brexit with the trigger of Article 50. 

How is this going to impact on your Business? Can you be sure that your people are equipped and motivated to manage change successfully? 

In a recent survey of more than 70 large, publicly-listed companies in the UK, “89 per cent of respondents said that Brexit had not changed their spending habits, with many stating that it is too early and too uncertain to determine the specific effects that splitting from the EU will have on their Business”.

However despite this, change is fast approaching and companies must ensure that their employees are equipped with the change management skills needed to keep their companies on track and relevant. 

A quote by business guru, Tom Peters, puts it well: 'Excellent firms don't believe in excellence - only in constant improvement and constant change' Tom Peters

Research conducted by the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) in 2016 reported that 97% of Managers had experienced change in their organisation during the previous 12 months, but only 28% felt that Senior Management was handling change well. The report concluded that poorly managed change has an impact on Managers’ morale as well as the overall performance of their organisation.

Change management helps companies excel

Change will impact and affect individuals, teams and Managers in different ways. Often it is seen as a negative or scary thing. However, change management training can help to turn around those perceptions and help both individuals and Managers through the change process.

At the most basic level, it is important to learn that change is essential for an organisation to grow and develop, and it can lead to opportunities for learning. By understanding the various stages of the change cycle, staff can identify how they deal with change and empathise with colleagues who are dealing with similar issues.

Those responsible for implementing change may need training in how to develop strategies to overcome the difficulties associated with change and how to put their strategies and plans into practice.

Learning and development provided at key pivotal times within a business can mean the difference between ‘making’ or ‘breaking’ it. GBS has a range of solutions which can support those going through change now and in the future. Our solutions can be structured around the change management needs within your particular business so why not give us a call to discuss how we can help better prepare your staff for the changing landscape of the future.