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Management & Leadership Courses

Situational Leadership®: Building Leaders

Course Overview

The need for effective leadership is greater than ever. A recent CMI report found that 43% of workers rate their line managers as ineffective, failing to recognise or support their talents. The Situational Leadership® model is arguably the most recognised, utilised and effective leadership and influence tool in the history of the behavioural sciences. Leaders who use the model are equipped with the necessary tools to navigate the demands of an evolving business landscape and an increasing diverse workforce.

So it’s no surprise that 70% of Fortune500™ companies consider the tool as a critical component of their leadership development strategy. It transcends cultural and generational differences with a success rate that speaks for itself. Situational Leadership® is a proven model of effective leadership that has endured the test of time. It’s a practical approach which helps your people to be more effective in achieving their goals, and shows you, as a leader, how best to respond to their performance needs. More than ever, businesses need well-equipped and adaptable leaders.

Participants who complete the online assessments (LEAD Self and LEAD Other) gain valuable insights into their primary leadership behaviours and the leadership styles they typically draw upon.

We can help you rise to the challenge.

Please note, this course can be delivered as virtual instructor led training (VILT), face to face, or it can be delivered with a blend of both formats. We will customise the content and duration in line with your learning and development requirements.

Typical learning outcomes

By the end of the programme, learners will be able to

  • Analyse their own and staff members’ needs in terms of ‘Performance Readiness®’ to undertake tasks
  • Define and recognise ‘task behaviours’ and ‘relationship behaviours’
  • Define and recognise a range of leadership and influencing styles
  • Match leadership or influencing styles to a variety of situations
  • Describe their own preferred leadership and influencing styles
  • Analyse team members’ feedback on their leadership and influencing styles
  • Apply course concepts to their own work situation

Three Delivery Options

Situational Leadership®: Building Leaders is available in two different formats: instructor-led (both virtually and face-to-face inhouse) and blended in order to provide the flexibility that your organisation requires.

Situational Leadership®: Building Leaders – Instructor Led Training (ILT)

Our instructor-led Building Leaders programme gives an in-depth understanding of the Situational Leadership® model and its applications. It equips leaders with the necessary tools to skilfully navigate the demands of an increasingly diverse workforce and evolving global marketplace. It is available for inhouse delivery (both virtually and face-to-face) and we also have a selection of virtual public course dates for individuals to participate in.

Situational Leadership®: Building Leaders – Blended

This combines two web-modules with a one day instructor–led workshop. Learners complete the Model Overview e-module as pre-work to gain a basic understanding of Situational Leadership®, while the classroom or virtual setting is used for active learning through application-based activities and interactive discussions.

Course dates.

6th and 7th November 2024: 9:30am to 1:30pm (delivered as VILT)

Course format options

  • In House Course
  • Virtual
  • Public Course
  • Prices available on request
  • Virtual

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